There are billions of people in the world, and most of their lives are so different from ours that it’s hard to picture. This is one of those stories. It’s about a man whose life was very different. Read on to find out more.
Most people, no matter what country they are from, like to take a shower or bath. Some people have different ideas about how many times a week a person should shower, but the idea that they should do it regularly stays the same. But Amou Haji thought otherwise. He chose to go 67 years without taking a shower. And the late Persian man said that he had good reasons for doing it. He lived alone in Iran and hadn’t taken a bath in more than 60 years. His favorite food was roadkill, and animal dung was said to have been sucked from a pipe. He was from the Iranian town of Dez Gah and was thought to have been born in 1928. People called him “Amou Haji,” which means “old man,” because no one knew what his real name was. A story about him says that he became a hermit because he lost his love.