Beloved actor Michael J. Fox has endured a tragic battle with Parkinson’s disease since his 1991 diagnosis. In 1998, he courageously revealed his condition, becoming a powerful advocate for Parkinson’s awareness and research. He drew strength from his late mother, Phyllis, whose recent passing at 92 added to his personal tragedy.

Phyllis was a cherished presence in Fox’s life, admired for her enduring wisdom and unwavering optimism. When he disclosed his Parkinson’s diagnosis at just 29, her unwavering support became his anchor in a sea of despair. She exemplified a life lived without dwelling on losses, always finding solace in life’s positives.

Growing up as a military child, Phyllis played a pivotal role in instilling invaluable life lessons. Her influence contributed to the family’s adaptability, a critical trait in facing adversity.


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