What is this dial with a chain that goes into the floor of this old house?

A questioner said:


What is this dial with a chain that goes into the floor of this old house?

r/whatisthisthing - What is this dial with a chain that goes into the floor of this old house?

Some of the answers:

  1. My grandmother’s house had these back in the day of the convection flow hot air furnaces. They operated dampers in the hot air ducts to control heat levels in the living spaces. I’m guessing that these are such damper controls.
  2. Probably opened a vent for heat.
  3. Damper for a coal furnace
  4. Controlled the damper of a coal burning furnace
  5. Itd be cool to see the other end…
  6. So glad to see this. A little over 4 yrs ago I moved into the house that my grandfather grew up in. It has one of these, and I was never quite sure what it was.
  7. I wonder if when that chain breaks if it’s as bad as when it happens on a huffy
  8. If you find the other end of that chain, you’ll have your answer
  9. My house has a mark on the wood and holes in the floor where one of these used to be. I’d love to find one to put back up.
  10. Thats an old heat adjusterWould turn up the heat in the basement on a coal furnace or open a duct to allow more air to flowNow they are just wee little thermostats on the wall
  11. Its to adjust the damper on an old furnace. We had an old wood burning furnace in our farmhouse.
  12. Limber chains.
  13. Yes, it is a damper but it opens or closes a door that allows more air into the fire pot. Increase or decreases the heat generated by the coal fire.
  14. I love how everything eventually gets covered in paint!
  15. The control for an old dumb waiter, perhaps.
  16. It controlled the air flow into a coal furnace (damper). Open the damper, more air into furnace, coal burns faster/hotter. Close the damper, less air coal burns at a slower rate, cooler. Had coal furnace in house I grew up in.

What do you think? Let us know in the comment!

In the labyrinthine corridors of time, where echoes of the past reverberate through the halls of antiquity, lie hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Among the cobwebbed corners and dusty alcoves of an old house, there exists a curious artifact—a dial with a chain, its purpose obscured by the passage of time. As we embark on a journey to unlock its secrets, we delve into the annals of history, guided by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

A Glimpse into the Past

Imagine, if you will, a quaint old house nestled in the heart of a historic town, its timeworn facade a testament to centuries gone by. Within its walls, the air is thick with the scent of age, and every creak of the floorboards speaks of stories untold. It is here, amidst the faded grandeur of a bygone era, that our tale begins.

In a forgotten corner of the house, tucked away from prying eyes, sits the object of our fascination—a small dial affixed to the wall, its surface worn smooth by the passage of time. Attached to it is a chain, its links rusted with age, disappearing into the floorboards below. What purpose could such a peculiar contraption serve, and what secrets does it hold?

Speculation and Inquiry

As we stand before the dial with a chain, our minds brim with speculation. Could it have been part of a rudimentary security system, its chain serving as a makeshift alarm? Or perhaps it was used to control the flow of water or regulate the temperature within the house, its origins rooted in the practicalities of daily life.

Turning to historical records and architectural blueprints, we search for clues to unravel the mystery. Local historians and preservationists offer their insights, drawing upon their knowledge of the house’s past and the customs of its former inhabitants. Yet, the truth remains elusive, obscured by the mists of time.

A Window into History


To understand the purpose of the dial with a chain, we must first understand the context in which it was used. In the days of yore, when our ancestors roamed the earth and built their homes from the earth itself, such artifacts served a vital function in the rhythms of daily life.

In the Midlands of the UK, where our story unfolds, the landscape is dotted with ancient villages and crumbling manor houses, each bearing witness to the passage of time. It is within this rich tapestry of history that we find the answers we seek, buried beneath layers of soil and stone.

Preserving Heritage

As custodians of our architectural heritage, it falls upon us to safeguard and cherish the remnants of the past that enrich our lives and connect us to those who came before us. Each artifact, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, holds within it a story waiting to be told—a story of triumph and tragedy, of love and loss, of the triumph of the human spirit over the ravages of time.

By preserving these treasures and sharing their stories with future generations, we honor the legacy of our ancestors and ensure that their contributions to history are not forgotten. In doing so, we forge a link between past and present, bridging the gap between generations and preserving the rich tapestry of human experience for all time.

The Journey Continues

As we stand before the dial with a chain, our minds awash with possibilities, we are reminded of the inexorable march of time and the mysteries that lie hidden within its folds. Yet, even as we grapple with the enigma before us, we are filled with a sense of wonder and awe at the vastness of human history and the resilience of the human spirit.

In the end, it is not the answers we seek that define us, but the journey itself—the quest for knowledge, the thrill of discovery, and the joy of sharing our findings with others. And so, as we embark on our journey to unlock the secrets of the past, let us remember that the true treasure lies not in the destination, but in the pursuit of knowledge itself.

A Window into History

To understand the purpose of the dial with a chain, we must first understand the context in which it was used. In the days of yore, when our ancestors roamed the earth and built their homes from the earth itself, such artifacts served a vital function in the rhythms of daily life.

In the Midlands of the UK, where our story unfolds, the landscape is dotted with ancient villages and crumbling manor houses, each bearing witness to the passage of time. It is within this rich tapestry of history that we find the answers we seek, buried beneath layers of soil and stone.

Preserving Heritage

As custodians of our architectural heritage, it falls upon us to safeguard and cherish the remnants of the past that enrich our lives and connect us to those who came before us. Each artifact, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, holds within it a story waiting to be told—a story of triumph and tragedy, of love and loss, of the triumph of the human spirit over the ravages of time.

By preserving these treasures and sharing their stories with future generations, we honor the legacy of our ancestors and ensure that their contributions to history are not forgotten. In doing so, we forge a link between past and present, bridging the gap between generations and preserving the rich tapestry of human experience for all time.

The Journey Continues

As we stand before the dial with a chain, our minds awash with possibilities, we are reminded of the inexorable march of time and the mysteries that lie hidden within its folds. Yet, even as we grapple with the enigma before us, we are filled with a sense of wonder and awe at the vastness of human history and the resilience of the human spirit.

In the end, it is not the answers we seek that define us, but the journey itself—the quest for knowledge, the thrill of discovery, and the joy of sharing our findings with others. And so, as we embark on our journey to unlock the secrets of the past, let us remember that the true treasure lies not in the destination, but in the pursuit of knowledge itself.

In the Midlands of the UK, where our story unfolds, the landscape is dotted with ancient villages and crumbling manor houses, each bearing witness to the passage of time. It is within this rich tapestry of history that we find the answers we seek, buried beneath layers of soil and stone.

Preserving Heritage

As custodians of our architectural heritage, it falls upon us to safeguard and cherish the remnants of the past that enrich our lives and connect us to those who came before us. Each artifact, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, holds within it a story waiting to be told—a story of triumph and tragedy, of love and loss, of the triumph of the human spirit over the ravages of time.




More info from questioner: An old house, not sure what year, but the dial can be turned and the chain moves but doesn’t change anything evident.

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