My Twin and I Took a DNA Test for Fun, Only to Discover a Shocking Family Secret

My brother and I are fraternal twins. Recently, we took a DNA test just for fun to see what similarities and differences we had. In terms of genetics, fraternal twins share some genes just like regular siblings. The results showed 0% match between us which seemed impossible. We thought maybe there was a mix-up with the samples, so we took the test again. But the result was the same. We decided to ask our parents if they had ever done any genetic tests before, hoping something might explain the strange results. When we asked, they exchanged looks and stayed silent.

Finally, Mom said those tests aren’t reliable and we shouldn’t have done one.Horrified and confused, I rushed to the hospital where we were born. They confirmed that Mom, my twin, and I are all 3 listed in the records. But the shock came later when the nurse looked me in the eyes and admitted, “But you should know that Mrs. Anna -my mother- is only listed in our records for one birth, she has NOT
delivered any twins!” Hearing this information, I rushed home in a panic to confront Mom. With tears in her eyes, she confessed that she and my dad had hidden something from me and my
twin all these years.

It turned out my mom isn’t my biological mother, and ‘my twin’ isn’t even my brother. I was born on the same day as him, but my birth mother passed away during delivery. I was going to be put up for adoption as my biological father was unknown and no one had accompanied my birth mother to the hospital. Hearing that sad news, my parents were deeply touched and decided to adopt me on thespot and raise me as their own son’s twin. My reality crumbled in a minute. The person I thought I shared everything with isn’t even related to me. It’s hard to believe my whole life was a lie! I suddenly feel like a stranger… I can’t see myself living under the same roof anymore with people who have been lying to me since the day I was born! I would deeply appreciate your
guidance as I feel completely lost now… Sincerely,

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